Wallingford United Methodist Church is just one individual church in a network of United Methodist Churches in our area and across the world. We are a part of the following groups – click the links below to find out about the specific regions, and discover a treasure trove of information on spirituality, ministry, events, church news, blogs from our leaders, and more.
Our local United Methodist community starts with the Sea-Tac Missional District. The Sea-Tac Missional District of the United Methodist Church stretches north to Shoreline, south to Des Moines, east to Snoqualmie, and west to Bainbridge Island. Our lively and diverse district is headed by an appointed UMC District Superintendent.
The Seattle District is a part of the larger Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Methodist Church. Our Conference includes six districts in Washington and Northern Idaho. Presiding over the whole Pacific Northwest Conference is an elected UMC Bishop.
The Pacific Northwest Conference is part of the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area which consists of our own Pacific Northwest Conference, the Alaska Conference, and the Oregon-Idaho Conference. A UMC Bishop presides over the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area.
All of this is located in the Western Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church. This ethnically and culturally diverse region reaches from the Southwest United States through the Rockies and up to Alaska, and then stretches out into Guam, Hawaii, and Saipan. A team of bishops leads this region collaboratively.
All of these jurisdictions are part of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church. Most of the General Church agencies are headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. The General Conference is helmed by a tripartite body consisting of a legislative arm (referred to as the General Conference), a ministerial arm (the Council of Bishops), and a judicial arm (the Judicial Council).